Impact through presence

"In between an impulse and response lies a space where we have the power to choose our reaction. And within this reaction lies our growth and freedom."

Victor Frankl - Neurologist, Psychiatrist, and Holocaust Survivor, Austria, 1905–1997 (freely paraphrased)

This quote serves as the guiding principle in my work. I firmly believe that the essence of success lies within it. Far from vague, this principle is profoundly concrete. 

Expanding the gap between impulse and reaction empowers us to consciously choose our responses. Rather than reacting automatically, we learn to pause and decide whether to speak, act, or let things be.

Empowering individuals to widen this space between impulse and reaction is a skill I impart through various means. When mastered, it brings forth a valuable outcome: clarity and focus. From this state, impactful decisions emerge—decisions that not only enhance desired outcomes but also foster personal well-being and fulfillment.

One striking observation is how often we speak and think in an unkind manner, particularly to ourselves. Many individuals judge themselves harshly, using language that is stern and hurtful. While this might seem constructive initially, it is quite the opposite. Self-criticism leads to stress, both mentally and physically, with detrimental effects on overall well-being. I assist individuals in understanding their self-talk and replacing it with more compassionate language. This shift lays a resilient foundation for achieving unparalleled impact.

In this manner, I work with leaders and their teams, with professionals within and outside their organization. Using a blend of gentleness and discipline. Balancing intellectual and personal foresight, aspiring while being present in the moment. Encouraging the brain and the heart to collaborate by recognizing emotions and employing them in a helpful manner.

Your objective is to attain both short-term success and long-term impact while maintaining balance and care for yourself and the people around you.

All of this requires tranquility and focus, kindness, and discipline.

Empowering individuals to widen this space between impulse and reaction is a skill I impart through various means. When mastered, it brings forth a valuable outcome: clarity and focus. From this state, the most impactful decisions emerge.