
Move Mountains With One Breath

You can move mountains based on a pause of just one breath.

I have no doubt you experience pressure from time to time. And as we all know, pressure results in varying degrees of stress. Stress increasingly makes it difficult to react and operate wisely.

A familiar situation: Something triggers you – a question, an unforeseen reaction, a deadline approaching too quickly, a comment that rubs you the wrong way, you name it.

You react instinctively, setting off a chain of events that requires repair work.

An alternative scenario: decide NOW that when you get triggered, you will pause for one breath.

Before reacting, take just one breath and create space to make a choice. Instead of reacting impulsively, CHOOSE whether or not to respond. And when you decide to respond, you can even choose how to respond.

Through that one breath, you are not at the whims of others, the situation, or your own triggered emotion.

That one breath gives you the opportunity to have literally a clear mind, to regain yourself if necessary.

Through that one breath, you are able to manage yourself while being connected and leading others.

The effect of one breath on the people around you is immense. You react from a place of calm and confidence, and this yields the same: calm and confidence. The people around you will enjoy working with and for you even more.

Through your calm and confidence, you create a predictable and therefore safe environment where people dare to be themselves.

And when people dare to be themselves, they can utilize their full potential.

There you have the foundation for moving mountains. And all this based on a pause of just one breath.

Imagine the impact you can make if you take a pause more often.
